Alumna: Carmen Gallego
Curso: 4ºA

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Living with a disability

My name is Carmen and I have been deaf since I was four years old. I started to loose audibility, so my parents were worried and they decided to take me to the hospital. The doctor told me in some months Í wouldn't hear anything unless I'd wear a hearing aid in my ears.
Life is a bit different for me because I have to be very careful and buy special headphones, for example.
I know living with a disability is not good, but you always have to look for the reight side: everything could be worst! I can have and ordinary life, and that means a lot for me. I have many friends and my family who always support me. 
I just want people with disabilities to know that they can do whatever they intend to and there are nor problems, only solutions!

Abroad, the musical

In this musical, we saw young people who travel to Liverpool looking for a job because of the difficul situation there is in Spain. When one of the characters, Marta, finds a job relationated with sea trade, she goes to the place they told her. Once she is there, the boss tells her she has to stay with a bag waiting until a boat appears. That is when a friend of her comes in and Marta begs Macarena if she can keep the bag for a minute because she has to put a solution with his boyfriend, who has planned to come back to Spain. While Macarena is waiting, the police arrive, they gave arested her because of drugs trafficking! None of her friends knew!
Finally, Marta, her boyfriends and three more young spanish people make that Macarena goes out of the jail; working as a team is always the best option!
The theatre had emotion, laugh and many other elements. Also, a lot of song appear while the scenes are being representated - characters have amazing voices!


- Marta: she is one of the main characters and she has an amazing voice! Since she was a child, she has gotten a good education. She can speak english well. Marta is very interested in finf a job, that is why she is in Liverpool. Also, she is fun and funny. Physically, she has curly brown hair, she is tall and wears cool clothes.

- José: he is Marta's boyfriend. He went to Liverpool with optimism but, when two months have passed and he has not found a job, he starts to loose calm.
As Marta, he can sing, but he can't speak english as she does, for him it is very difficult! He has dark ayes and brown hair.

- Macarena: she is from Seville. Her situation is not easy - her father abandoned the family a month before she was born. She does not know a lot of english. Macarena always says: ''palabrita del niño Jesús''. She is a good person. Her hair is blonde and she is not very tall.

- Lucía: she is a high-class girl, her dad earns lots of money! She loves clothes, shopping and talking. You will always see her with her mobile. Lucía is a fashion girl. She is also spanish, but she doesn´t look she is looking for a job.

- Waiter: he is spanish. Lucía always goes to the café where he works and she is alway demanding him many things, so he is not a really good friend of her. He is sad because he can't find a jpb related with the universitary degree he has.

- Matthew: we only know he is spanish at the end of the mudivsl. He probably is the father of Macarena. He went to Liverpool because he was nervous about the situation he lived, so he changed his identity and did not go back never - he regrets about it a lot.

Personal opinion:

I loved the musical because of many reasons: there were music, lots of effects, a good background and the characters spoke english and spanish.
It was realistic, but they mixed funny stuff, making  a good theatre for teenagers.
My favourite character was Marta, because her voice sounded amazing! Also, she was positive and she had a lot of illusions and dreams to reach!
In addition, I was seated in the front row - it is nice to see perfectly what is happening!
I would like to have more days like this one!

Marie Curie

Marie Curie est née en Pologne, mais sa nationalité est française, au XIXème siècle. Elle est une des plus célebres et importantes scientifiques: elle était la première femme qui a gagné le Prix Nobel, grâce à ses découvertes avec l'aide de son mari, Pierre Curie. En plus, Marie était la première femme qui donnait des cours à l'université de Paris.
Son père lui a enseigné les sciences et ella aimait ses histoires. Quand elle était petite, sas vie n'était pas facile, sa mère et sa soeur sont mortes très jeunes. 

Elle était toujours une bonne éleve, mais dans les universités de Pologne, on interdisait l'entrées des femmes. Elle a decidé d'étudier à Paris, ou elle a reçu la mâtrise de physique et mathématiques. Ici, elle a connu à Pierre curie, et ils ont effectue des recherches de la radioactivité.

Finallement, elle est morte en France, à cause de la radiactivité. Sa fille a gagné un autre prix, elle était une bonne scientifique en plus.
Marie Curie est la première femme que reste dans le panthéon de París.
Elle est une des plus importantes femmes du monde.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

This is What a Feminist Looks Like

Unit 1. Vocabulary

-Feminism: is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.
-Stereotype: A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing: Examples in phrases: 
'the stereotype of the woman as the carer''sexual and racial stereotypes.-Gender: The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones)-Sex: The fact of belonging to either the male or female sex, refering to their biological status.-Gender discrimination: also known as sexism, is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender. Sexist attitudes may stem from traditional stereotypes of gender roles, and may include the belief that a person of one sex is intrinsically superior to a person of the other.-Role:  or social role is a set of connected behaviours, rights, obligations,beliefs, and norms as conceptualised by people in a social situation. -Suffragettes: were members of women's organization (right to vote) movements in the late 19th and early 20th century, particularly in the United Kingdom and United States. Suffragist is a more general term for members of suffrage movements, whether radical or conservative, male or female.