Alumna: Carmen Gallego
Curso: 4ºA

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Advantages and disadvantages of mobiles, the Internet and social networks

Social networks, mobiles and the Internet are different things, but with all them we can be communicated with other people all around the world, fast and cheap, which is a very big advantage.
But, are everything advantages? The answer is 'no'. Sometimes they can be dangerous. If you don't know the use of a social network, it can be open for everyone. The Internet has so many games that people can become addicted to it. Also, many teens spent a lot of money and time on chatting with their mobiles.
Although, if you know how to use the Internet, mobile and social networks, it will be nice: you will obtain information very quickly, chat with friends, etc.

How do you sleep

I usually sleep in the freefaller position. Many people say that if you sleep from this way, it means that you are a person that responded badly to criticism and outward confidence. You sleep in a freefaller position when your flat is on your stomach.
Sometimes, I also sleep in fetal positions, which means i am a quick to relax person, tough on the outside and sensitive at heart. This position consist of be curled up in a ball.

Instant messages

2NITE       tonight     
A/S/L       age/sex/location?      
B4            before             
BBG         bye bye, be good      
BFN         bye for now       
BCOZ      because        
BS           big smile       
CU          see you      
F2F         face-to-face(meet)       
HAGD    have a great day        
LOL         laugh out loud            
PMSL      pissing myself  laughing       
TFGI       just fucking google it    
BTW      by the way             
IMO       in my opinion    
BRB       be right back      
YOLO    you only live once    
ASAP     as soon as possible        
OMG   oh my god!

FYI        for your information

BFF       best friends for ever

DIY        do it yourself

TTYL      talk to you later

TBF       to be fair

G2G      got to go

TBH      to be honest

ROFL      rolling on the floor laughing

ZZZ         I´m bored , I´m tired

YT           are you there?

TNX         thanks

2MORO     tomorrow

STYS      speak to you soon

RU         are you there?

PLZ        please

POS       parent  over shoulder

IMO      in my opinion

 ILLU      I love you

Y             why
X             kiss

B              be

R               are

FB            Facebook

H-BDAY   happy birthday

H8             hate

W@           what

BBG          bye bye be good

GF/BF   girldfriend/boyfriend
FAQ       frequently asked question

List of rules for mobile phone users

1-  You should't take call when crossing the street.
2-  You should reply when you get a message.
3-  You mustn't use your mobile phone when driving.
4-  You must turn off your phone on aeroplanes.
5-  You have to use your mobile phone when there is an emergency.
6-  You shouldn't talk on the phone so much.
7-  You mustn't interrupt a face-to-face conversation to take a call.
8-  You shouldn't call people back late at night.
9-  You mustn't repeat thing loudly on a train or a bus.
10-  You mustn't keep your phone on during family dinners.
11-  You mustn't ask a caller to hold on for a long time.
12-  You mustn't keep your phone on in the cinema or theatre.
13-  You shouldn't buy the most expensive mobile phone.
14-  You shouldn't put your mobile phone in water.
15-  You should use an ordinary phone as much as possible.

Aries Horoscope

FRIENDS: your friends are very happy this month, because they will make their dream come true. If they are happy, so are you.  You are very happy when you are next to them. Be always by their side!

SCHOOL: you are a very responsible girl, you know how to organize your time and yoy always do your homework. If you continue from this way, you will obtain very good marks, so you will spend a really nice summer vacations! But, be careful with your mobile and the Internet, sometimes, you spend there a lot of time!

HEALTH: you are a very sporty girl, you are always moving! Play sports, for you, it is very easy. Why don't you try a new one? For example, baseball.

FAMILY: in a few days it is your mother birthday and you don't know what could you buy to her, because you have recently bought a new cell phone so you can't spent too much. You can make a home-made present. She will love for sure!

TIP: summer is coming, so tidy your wardrobe will be a good idea. You will find a lot of clothes that you don't use but other people will like it!

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Quand j'étais petite

Quand j'étais petite, j'aimais jouer à la marelle, avec mes poupeés, lire et surtout avec des pâtes à modeler; j'avais de toutes les couleurs!
En été, ma soeur et moi, nous allions dans une campement parce que mes parents travaillaient, mais nous nous amusions bien! Dans le campement nous faisions beaucoup des activités et nous faisions des amis.
J'aimais aller chez mes grands-parents. ILs avaient une petite maison trés proche de la plage, alors, ma famille et moi, nous restions quelques jours de juilliet chez mes grands-parents quand mes parents avaient des vacances. À la nuit, nous faisions des promenades et puis, nous mangions des glaces.
En hiver, quand il pleuvait, j'adorais regarder des fims de Noël avec ma famille dans le salon. Dans Noël, nous allions au centre de Málaga pour voir les lumières, et manger des ''churros''.
Mon jour preferée de tout l'année, était Père Noël. Je ne pouvais pas dormir et je réveillais à toute ma famille pour ovrir mes cadeaux.
J'adorais quand, avant dormir, mon père et ma mère me racontaient des histoires. Je leur damandais toujours la même histoire!