Alumna: Carmen Gallego
Curso: 4ºA

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Tips for a healthy life style


-The food pyramid and the nutrients and portions we should have

The food pyramid shows us the quantity of food we should have. Below, we can see the bread, the creals, rice and pasta group, we all sould have between six and eleven servings . Upon it, it is the group of vegetables and fruits, we should have five pieces every day. Then, it is the milk, yoghurt and cheese group, and next to it, the meat, aggs and fish group. At the top of the pyramid we can see the fats, oils and candies; we can eat sometimes, but remember, not everyday.

-The food we shoulld avoid

The amount of calories we should eat everyday is between 2.000 and 2.200. Calories give to our body the energy and nutrients necessary for each day. There is a type of calories called 'empty calories' this calorie have sugar and fat, but any nutrients, so it is not good for our body, because it doesn't provides nutrients. 
When you eat more calories than the required, it goes to your stomach, and they accumulates, making us fatter.

-The importance of sport in a healthy life

The sport is really important for a healthy life. It reduces the probability of diseases, the muscles and the bones will be better, it reduces the extres, etc... Three hours at a week is good. Find out the sport you like, you can play tennis, go running with a friend, play basketball, etc... Then, have a showe, you will be really relaxed.

-Eating disorders.

Don't be obsessed with your weight! It's alright you want to be thin, but you can't always watch your weight or think about calories!
Anorexia, for example, is a desease which makes people don't want to eat, and they think they are too fat and sometimes, you can die because the lack of calories and nutrients. 
Remember, you should have a healthy diet and do sport, but sometimes, it is alright have a pizza or some cookies.