Alumna: Carmen Gallego
Curso: 4ºA

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

List of rules for mobile phone users

1-  You should't take call when crossing the street.
2-  You should reply when you get a message.
3-  You mustn't use your mobile phone when driving.
4-  You must turn off your phone on aeroplanes.
5-  You have to use your mobile phone when there is an emergency.
6-  You shouldn't talk on the phone so much.
7-  You mustn't interrupt a face-to-face conversation to take a call.
8-  You shouldn't call people back late at night.
9-  You mustn't repeat thing loudly on a train or a bus.
10-  You mustn't keep your phone on during family dinners.
11-  You mustn't ask a caller to hold on for a long time.
12-  You mustn't keep your phone on in the cinema or theatre.
13-  You shouldn't buy the most expensive mobile phone.
14-  You shouldn't put your mobile phone in water.
15-  You should use an ordinary phone as much as possible.

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